Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Workshop, mentoring, networking and fun Sarah Hurley Live Event

Hi there,

How are you all...
It's certainly been crazy busy here lately and I really have to pace myself to manage pain and be careful after my recent diagnosis of severe osteoporosis.
Treatment is starting after Christmas, there's a wait to get seen at the hospital to start the injections.
In the meantime I'm being sensible, have strong pain killers and a hot water bottle is a god send!
Onwards and upwards!...
Last Wednesday I went to Loughton, Essex to meet up with friends I made networking in Coventry last year with CHA-UK.
We met prior to Sarah Hurley's Live Event on Thursday and had a nice meal and catch up over a bottle of red.

On Thursday at the event location we were met and warmly welcomed by Sarah and her amazingly lovely team and Craig from CHA.
Coffee and pastries on arrival while we chatted and looked at what was in store for the day.
There was a panel discussion to start, announcements and seminars followed and Sarah was amazing telling her story and 25 mad, bad and crazy hilarious things that has happened to her in business.
I really respect Sarah for sharing these experiences so openly and honestly and I could relate to many of the things that were spoken about and discussed during the event.

There was plenty of tea and coffee and a lovely lunch, shopping experience and goody bags.

I was so lucky to have won a mentoring session with Sarah, I can honestly say that since joining CHA-UK and meeting Sarah I realise how much I've grown and developed without even realising it.
There are a couple of areas I still want to address and develop which is where Sarah's mentoring comes in but I'm thrilled to be in the position I am and doing something I truly love, teaching and sharing my passion for craft.
After lunch I held a workshop and so did Shabneez, who's project was gorgeous and I was so pleased to meet Shabneez, such a lovely lady.
For the workshop I used Sarah's Doodle Doll Christmas stamp sets and we created lovely tags to use for presents, as bookmarks or tree decorations.

After the workshops we finished the day with Sarah's lovely decorated cake and Prosecco!
There was also a couple of raffles.
Congratulations and a massive thanks for all your hard work to Team Hurley on Sarah's first Live Event, I'm already looking forward to the next one!
A super jam packed day, thoroughly enjoyed by all.
Have a good evening and I'll catch up again soon...xKx

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