Thursday, 18 January 2018

Networking and the benefits of a craft experience

It's full steam ahead for 2018 with specific goals and targets planned.
One thing I am passionate about is promoting the benefits of a crafting experience, the sense of achievement and satisfaction that comes from creating a piece of artwork, whether you are an experienced crafter or a complete novice.
This year will see quite a few changes for me, like many I use various social platforms to share and talk about crafting.
One of these, Facebook, has made significant changes to the way our newsfeed is viewed.
Coincidently the focus going forward for me has been on branding and a new website where everything will be in one place. A complete makeover for my little business!
This has been a personal goal that I set myself going forward and it's very exciting to know that I've reached the target where this is currently being worked on.
It's taken time to get to the stage where this was right for me and also to know exactly what I wanted and what felt right and resonated with me.
I have dabbled myself in building websites previously but these things take time to get right and it isn't something I know enough about or have the skill to achieve what I'm looking for, so there comes a point where it's far better to delegate the task to a professional.

Opportunities have presented themselves that allow me to share my love of craft.
Last night I attended another local networking event where I chatted to many people from local businesses and charities about crafting and the benefits of a crafting experience.
The event was attended by the local Mayoress and it was lovely to speak to her about crafting too.
For whatever reason someone chooses to craft it should be an enjoyable experience, providing relaxing, calming and therapeutic emotions.
I don't very often talk about how I got into crafting as a career but, it came about from a period in my life that involved bullying in the workplace and unprofessional misconduct.
I was doing a job that I loved but that became impossible to continue with because of the unprofessional working environment that I found myself in.
I'd always crafted from a young child and with the total support of my family and friends I turned it into my career.
This is one of the reasons that I'm so passionate about promoting a positive and therapeutic experience when it comes to craft classes, workshops and demonstrations.
Turning my hobby into a career has been thoroughly positive achievement for me and it would not have happened had the unprofesionalism that preceded it not taken place.
Don't get me wrong it's not always easy and there can be many obstacles and hurdles along the way but if you're passionate about what you do and you love it, it shines through and gets you through.
There are many things I want to focus on this year so planning, preparation and focus are key.
These things I know, can be especially challenging at this time of year, it can be quite a low time for so many.
So I began by setting little goals, making notes and lists and gradually things are coming together nicely, it's still only January so I'm very pleased with progress so far.
Ticking jobs off the list and keeping focussed but allowing time for relaxation and a few treats too, its all about balance.
So onto some crafting and the first class of the year is on Sunday, it will be nice to catch up with the lovely ladies and spend a few hours chatting and creating over tea and cake.
Here's some samples of what we will be making.
Thanks so much for reading today, crafty hugs xKx

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