Tuesday 12 August 2014

Workshop 7th Sept being held at Pink Tulip Creations

I am sending this sample off to the lovely Sheila at Pink Tulip Creations for the workshop I'm holding there on the 7th Sept.
There are a couple of spaces left if you are interested please email me directly craftyk@hotmail.co.uk
Those that have been following this project of mine will know I've done a few versions now, this being the latest.
I have one more to do for The Artistic Stamper this workshop is being held on the 20th Sept.
Bookings taken directly through Jennie at the shop.
My inspiration for these books comes from a lovely lady Sanda Reynolds who's workshop I was fortunate enough to attend earlier this year and the ever inspiring Finnabair, I might have mentioned I'm booked on her Oct workshops, I'm just a tad excited!!!

On the note of being inspired I do think it's a shame that credit is not always given when we are inspired by someone's work. We alter and adapt to our own individual style but please remember the hours of hard work and effort that crafters and artists put in to their creations and remember to give credit out of courtesy if nothing else, it costs nothing.
This happened recently to me and to be honest I feel extremely flattered that my work gave inspiration, it's why I do it and what what makes me so happy! but, sad that the standard and courtesy of giving credit slipped.

Anyhow back to what's important and what makes me tick, sharing craft! So here's my offering today...have a wonderful day xxKx
R.I.P. Robin Williams - a life too short but a talent shared worldwide...x

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