Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Tea treat gift cards

A quick blog catch up, lots going on here behind the scenes but today I head off with my daughter to Wembley to see Adele in concert.
Yes it's finally here and we are so excited, rain or not!
We had a lovely time yesterday at The Meeting Place tea room and library making tea treat cards.
Variations filled with envelopes for teabags and or the addition of a bookmark.
Such lovely gifts were made for those who love a cuppa and a relaxing treat, just perfect and really pretty work created.
I'm sure many of you will be inspired to create your own versions,  they've been very well received.
Looking forward to the next classes before we have a bit of a summer break during holidays, demo work and planning for events coming up.
Love and crafty hugs xKx

(stamps used, mainly from Crafty Individuals)

A glimpse of some of the wonderful makes...

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