Friday, 23 February 2018

Circle cluster plaque for SamanthaKGifts

Here's a quick step by step for the circle cluster plaque made for SamanthaKGifts, Hochanda debut shows.
Using the medium long plaque and one of the circle clusters, both of which I quickly primed with gesso.

Then using a favourite technique I added some distressing, simply using the scourer part of a washing up sponge, far better than the use they are intended for!
The scourer is used to "dry brush" a couple of colours of DecoArt chalky finish paint, firstly in Yesteryear  and then Relic, drying in between colours.

I use and teach this technique frequently and find it produces great results for distressing effects.
The circle cluster and plaque edges were then coloured with a gold gilding wax before gluing the circle cluster on to the plaque.

These clusters just shouted out to be filled with various beads, gems, glitters and embellishments.
It was a fun project to create and makes a lovely decorative piece that would look great in any colour choices.

I finished with some twisted soft wire and threads to hang the plaque.

Sam will be back very soon with more amazing goodies and I will be blogging the rest of the pieces I made for the shows.
Do take a look at her website and blog for amazing MDF pieces and inspiration from the rest of the team.

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