Tuesday 28 July 2015

Crafting on a rainy Sunday

Morning everyone,
Hope your week has got off to a good start, the weather looks more promising today here in Kent.
Better than on Sunday when we had our crafty workshop, luckily once inside with a cuppa and a biscuit, engrossed in crafting the weather outside was all forgotten.
It's a bit busy this week, later today I'm going to be working with Kasiercraft goodies from Jones Crafts in preparation for my demo at Coleman's Craft Warehouse on Saturday.
Anyway back to Sunday where we had fun with Martha Stewart craft clay which is light as a feather and air drying. The ladies were so surprised by it's light weight and versatility.
We also used the lovely Inka Golds, Brusho's and lots of other goodies to create with our clay and a few cards.
It was chilled and relaxed, we welcomed a new lady into our fold and recent my blog candy winner and her daughter also popped in for a cuppa and a natter which was really lovely.
I'll leave you with a brief look back at a few pics from the day, I LOVED everyone's clay creations and the cards were a bonus.
Next month which isn't far away we're all about introducing Folk Art.
Have a good day, back soon.
Crafty Hugs xKx

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