Thursday 10 September 2015

New and Old

Good evening all,
What a gorgeous day it's been for being out and about as I have, absolutely glorious.
Since I started making CD clocks a few years ago now I've been selling them in various outlets and online as well as sharing the techniques with crafter's at demo's and workshops.
Their popularity never ceases to amaze me and I'm so grateful for the wonderful support and feedback I continue to receive about them.
So what's "New"...
Today I set up "shop" in a new venue that helps support small businesses, I've always enjoyed selling my craft as well as teaching which is a more recent approach I've taken.

Now for the "Old"
At the Ali Craft weekend retreat the project on Saturday was a DecoArt project bought to us by Barbara Nicholson.
We used DecoArt techniques and inspiration to create this aged and rusted piece.
Lots of layers went into this and I was very happy with my result.
I'm already buzzing with ideas to put my own spin on this in lots of different ways.
That's all for now, thank you for calling in.
Love and Crafty Hugs xKx

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