Friday 10 April 2015

Friday's sneaky peek...

Glorious day today,
Some of you know I'm taking some time out for some much needed convalescing after an accumulation of health issues that have really taken their toll.

Things are still ticking along never the less and I'm pottering and creating at my leisure and making a few changes here and there.

It's good to have this time to reflect...

Inspiration from a friend for future arty works
"I'm working on a Brand New Ending!"
and this is just the Begining...

My workshop ladies are being hugely supportive at this time, as they always are.
I do love the crafty time I spend with these genuinely lovely friends, away from so much negativity.
We laugh, chat and chill out learning from each other along the way...

Anyway today I'm sharing a sneaky peek of my make for the lovely Lisa B, to see the whole thing you'll have to pop over to my tutorial over on her blog here lisabdesignsinspiration.blogspot

I do hope you enjoy a lovely weekend whatever you're doing.

Thanks for popping by,
Crafty Hugs xKx

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