Thursday 14 March 2013

Meeting Annabel, Lily & Rosie

So to the last of my makes from the Clarity TV shows.
I had "such fun" with these girlies and their corresponding patterns.
They took me back to my youth when I use to love nothing more than having a try at fashion art design and I would sit for hours drawing and colouring fashions scenes and images.
So I decided I just had to recreate something along those lines and it took me right back and once again I became completely absorbed in what I was doing!
I think it's also where I found my love of working in miniature.
I kept to just the stamped images and used Momento London Fog ink pad and thought about a bit of a retro style incorporating the names, adding my chosen elements, embellishments and for a bit of fun the chicks!
The colours were chosen to reflect each girls image and "personality" and in keeping with my childhood love I decided to some colour elements with pencils and add the pencil writing.
I used the Letterbox Kit interchanged with the ovals from the Numeral Set for the girls names.
The "fabric" swatches, cotton fabric swatch and paper elements were made having fun with the Gelli Plate, just practising and trying out different techniques.
I made a cover page for each of the designs and used a book ring to join them adding the threads and fibres in complementary colours.
I hope you enjoy looking at these as much as I enjoyed creating them!
They're my take on the current trend of "Art Journaling" I'm calling them my "Fashion Art Journals"  xKx


Yvonne said...

This is fantastic work Karen. Brilliant idea and I now see how absorbed you would get in a project like this x

Linda Page said...

I love these Karen - see that Gelli plate keeps popping up everywhere you just know at some stage gonna have to get one lol.

I particularly like the ones with all the colour swatches and stuff xx

Unknown said...

I love the way you have made & kept colour swatches for each one ... real fashion designer xxx Annie

Mindful craft said...

Thanks Yvonne, it was good fun and enjoyable to do xx

Mindful craft said...

Thank you Linda, I really enjoyed doing them. So much to learn with the Gelli Plate, it's great fun and you'll love it! xx

Mindful craft said...

Thank you Annie, I enjoyed theming each one and choosing the elements and colours xx