Monday 23 March 2015

A lovely day out...

Morning all,

Lovely to see the sun here this morning.
Washing is coming along nicely and lots to attend to this week.

I just had to share the results of a great workshop I attended yesterday with my super lovely friend Samantha Kingdon.
It was at The Craft Barn in Surrey and hosted by Kay Carley.
We met some lovely like minded crafters and had yummy cake and coffee during our break at the Priory Garden Center just opposite.

Anyhow when I purchase products I like to know I'm going to get lots of varied use from them and that's definitely the case for my Brusho's.
I really can't see the point of having lots of mediums that achieve the same results but that's just my personal view.
I've used them a lot in my own workshops with techniques I've come up with.
I haven't researched many of techniques out there so I'm not sure if mine are an adaptation of what's already been done.
I have been using them in quite an arty grungy way but the class yesterday focused on more controlled, delicate use of this medium.

I love watercolour images so this was right up my street and I will adapt and use my own twist on these techniques a lot.

A relaxing and inspiring day was had and I've yet to make my panels into cards but I'm thrilled with the results.

Have a good week, back soon.
Crafty Hugs xKx

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